FPFC - Fondation P F Caille
FPFC stands for Fondation P F Caille
Here you will find, what does FPFC stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fondation P F Caille? Fondation P F Caille can be abbreviated as FPFC What does FPFC stand for? FPFC stands for Fondation P F Caille. What does Fondation P F Caille mean?Fondation P F Caille is an expansion of FPFC
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Alternative definitions of FPFC
View 4 other definitions of FPFC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FICU Fonds International de cooperation universitaire
- F Fonkoze
- F&F Food & Friends
- FFGI Food and Feed Grain Institute
- FFHS Food and Finance High School
- FSPFP Food and Society Policy Fellows Program
- FBMCC Food Bank for Monterey County, California
- FBA Food Bank of Alaska
- FBCCS Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano
- FBD Food Bank of Delaware
- FBSJ Food Bank of South Jersey
- FBWM Food Bank of Western Massachusetts
- FDI Food Distributors International
- FF/IFDP Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy
- FFEF Food For Everyone Foundation
- FF Food for Free
- FFL Food For Life
- FO Food for Others
- FPTFBHCC Food for People - The Food Bank of Humboldt County, California